A Layman's Guide to Functors in ReasonML

In my intro post I talked about my background and how I started on my journey to learn typed functional programming. I’ll again preface these posts with a note that I don’t have a background in category theory, so these posts are intended to help introduce things from a boots-on-the-ground perspective. Please feel free to correct me on any points I’ve messed up. I’m also not an OCaml expert, so there may be techniques or coding conventions here that are not completely correct. The purpose of these blogs is not to achieve rigorous perfection but to help impart some intuition on the topics. If you find any issues with code examples, please let me know, and I’ll fix them.


In this post, I would like to talk about functors - not OCaml/ReasonML module functors, but functors as they relate to the map function. I would wager that most software developers have probably used a map function for lists or arrays, and probably a map-like function when dealing with asynchronous types like Future or Promise, to convert a value of some type A to a value of some other type B. If you’re lucky, you’ve used map on a type like Option, Maybe, Either or Result. If you’re really blessed, maybe you’ve used it in something like a JSON decoder function to transform a decoded number into some other type.

ReasonML - a quick aside

I’m going to use the language ReasonML for these posts, not because it’s the most powerful language around (it’s not), but because it provides an interesting platform on which to build up some examples. If you’re not familiar with ReasonML, it’s basically an alternative syntax for the programming language OCaml. The ReasonML programming language can be losslessly translated to OCaml and vice-versa, because the two languages share the same abstract syntax tree (AST) - the data structure that represents the parsed code.

One of the reasons ReasonML was created was to provide a syntax that would be more familiar to developers coming from JavaScript/ECMAScript. ReasonML has a few different compilers which are able to produce JavaScript as a “backend,” meaning that it can transpile ReasonML (or OCaml) code to JavaScript, for use in the browser, or in Node.js, for example. The compiler I most use at the moment is called BuckleScript, which was originally an OCaml to JS compiler. BuckleScript is integrated with ReasonML so that it can parse the ReasonML code into the OCaml AST, then compile the OCaml AST to produce the JavaScript output, which you then have to bundle with a tool like Webpack 😱, Parcel, Rollup or whatever the latest so hot right now bundler happens to be in the JavaScript community. There are also tools for converting ReasonML syntax to OCaml and vice-versa - every syntactical construct in OCaml maps to a syntactical construct in ReasonML.

The workflow is basically:

  1. Write ReasonML code
  2. Parse ReasonML code into the OCaml AST
  3. Type-check and compile OCaml AST to produce JavaScript code
  4. Bundle JavaScript code to produce something you can use on the web or in Node.js

If this sounds a little crazy to you, you’re right, it is a little crazy. However steps 2 and 3 happen at the same time by the same tool, and the BuckleScript compiler is blazing fast, so if you’re writing ReasonML, you really don’t see OCaml code at all, and the JavaScript that comes out the other end is quite readable and usually pretty optimized. Overall, there is some weight of tooling with this, but the installation of these tools have been mostly ironed out, and are improving each day.

As a side note, you can also compile ReasonML code natively using the native OCaml compiler and tools like esy or dune. I don’t have any experience with these native tools, so I won’t say anymore about that.

Shameless plug

As a side note, I currently work on a set of libraries for ReasonML/BuckleScript in the Reazen GitHub org. Our core “standard library replacement” library is called Relude, and there are a growing number of other libraries built on top of Relude. Many of the ideas from these blog posts can be seen in action in Relude, and it’s underlying library bs-abstract, so check them out if you are interested. Also, I’ll re-emphasize that most of the ideas in Relude are not our own - they come from the rich history and ecosystem of typed pure functional programming.

Back to functors

To jump right in, I’m going to introduce one way to represent a functor in ReasonML and then go from there. In ReasonML, we have the concept of modules, which are a fundamental and first-class structure in the language. You can think of modules as being structural and organizational, like a namespace, but modules can also be passed to functions as a first-class construct in the language. You can construct modules from other modules using module functors, but as a reminder, these are not the functors we’re talking about in this blog. You can also create module types, which sort of act as a way to describe an “interface” for a module. If none of these words mean anything to you, I’d recommend reading some more about OCaml or ReasonML modules before continuing, otherwise this might quickly become confusing and unfamiliar.

A functor has a couple key properties which we can encode in ReasonML using a module type. One key aspect of a functor is that it deals with types that have a single type parameter, e.g.

  • list('a)
  • array('a)
  • option('a),
  • Js.Promise.t('a)
  • Belt.Result.t('a, fixedErrorType) if the error type is fixed to a known type
  • and many others, both generic and domain-specific

In general, we’ll just call types of this form t('a).

The next requirement of a functor is that it must support a map function with the following type signature:

let map = ('a => 'b, t('a)) => t('b);

Basically, map is a function that accepts an 'a => 'b function to convert a value of type 'a to a value of type 'b, a value of type t('a), and returns to you a value of type t('b).

Another way to look at map is that it takes a function of type 'a => 'b and returns to you a function of type t('a) => t('b). ReasonML is a curried language, so it’s often useful to think about partially applying arguments. In this example, if we partially apply the 'a => 'b function in map, we are left with a function from t('a) => t('b). This function looks a lot like 'a => 'b, but “lifted” into our functor context.

The order of the arguments to our map function doesn’t really matter, and neither does the name of the function - the important parts are the types of the arguments and return value. We could use the following type instead, and it would still be the the same concept:

let foo = (t('a), 'a => 'b) => t('b);

Another thing you’ll commonly see in FP is the manipulation of function args, like using a flip function to turn a function ('a, 'b) => 'c to ('b, 'a) => 'c.

Aside on names

A very common complaint about learning functional programming is that the names of things just don’t really have much semantic meaning. Many of the names come from cateogry theory and abstract algebra, and sometimes the names of the mathematicians who discovered or developed the concepts. I’ve seen lots of posts and comments on the internet about how we should call this “functor thing” Mappable rather than Functor, because Mappable has a more intuitive and semantic meaning. This is a fair complaint and suggestion, but it starts to break down a bit when we start to get into more abstract and powerful concepts.

The most important aspect of a name is that it gives us a way to refer to a concept in its entirety using one or two distinct words. The same argument for a common language was made in the venerable OO Design Patterns book, Domain-Driven Design, and just about every branch of learning from mathematics and science to law and history.

There was once a time where the word “Integer” probably didn’t mean anything to you, but as you learned about the definition of an integers, and what you can do with them, the abstract name became associated with the concrete concept, and now we use the term int without a second thought, knowing exactly what it is. I would go so far to say that something that was once completely unknown is now viewed by most as simple and obvious. Someone might have proposed that we call these things “Addables” or “Operatables” or whatever to give it a more semantic (though insufficient) name, but ultimately, once you learn what the name denotes, the name really doesn’t end up mattering anymore, and it’s often more difficult to capture the full semantics in a single semantic name anyway.

This is not to say that names don’t matter, but it’s quite common in FP for concepts to have abstract names, and for some functions to have opaque operators. This will require some learning and patience, and it’s just something you’ll have to get used to. That said, I’ve experienced the firehose of unknown words, so I’m not trying to brush this off, but just trying to set expectations. Just remember, you don’t have to understand all of this at once! Just to try build up, cement, and apply your knowledge over time, and it will grow.

Functor laws

We now know that a functor deals with a type t('a) and has a function map:

type t('a);
let map: ('a => 'b, t('a)) => t('b);

There are two additional things that we must satisfy in order for something to be considered a valid functor: the “functor laws.”

First functor law - structure preserving map

The first law requires that the map function cannot change the structure of the data type - it can only change the values contained within the functor using the 'a => 'b function. This is sometimes called a “structure-preserving” map operation.

The first functor law can be written like this:

// The identity function - simply returns the value given as the argument
let id = a => a;

// The == here just means these things must be the structurally the same
map(id, fa) == fa; // true

Basically if you map the identity function over your functor, you should get back your functor completely unchanged, both in content and structure. In concrete terms, the map function for list('a) (or any other functor) is not allowed to shuffle things around, copy values, lengthen (create new structure), nor shorten (remove structure) the list, etc.

This concept is important, because if you have a valid functor, you can be confident that the map operation will only apply the given function to each value contained within your functor, and will not change the structure of your data type.

Second functor law - composition

The second functor law has to do with function composition. Basically, if you have a functor t('a), and two functions that you’d like to map:

let fa: t('a) = ...;

let aToB: 'a => 'b = ...;

let bToC: 'b => 'c = ...;

We can create two specialized map functions by partially applying our aToB and bToC functions to map:

let mapAToB: t('a) => t('b) = map(aToB);

let mapBToC: t('b) => t('c) = map(bToC);

This is an example of “lifting” our pure 'a => 'b functions into the functor context t('a) => t('b).

Now let’s compose these two functions to create a function from t('a) => t('c). First let create a helper function and operator that we can use for composing functions:

let andThen: ('a => 'b, 'b => 'c) => ('a => 'c) = (aToB, bToC) => a => bToC(aToB(a));

let (>>) = andThen;

Now we can create a function from t('a) => t('c) by composing our functions t('a) => t('b) and t('b) => t('c):

let mapAToC: t('a) => t('b) = mapAToB >> mapBToC;

Ok, so we’ve composed our two specialized map functions into a specialized map function that does both map operations. Now let’s try composing our 'a => 'b and 'b => 'c functions:

let aToC: 'a => 'c = aToB >> bToC;

Now apply that 'a => 'c function to our map, creating our function t('a) => t('c):

let mapAToC: t('a) => t('c) = map(aToC);

We’ve now created two versions of the function t('a) => t('c) - one version by composing two specialized partial-applications of map, and one using a composed function within map. The second law states that these two specialized t('a) => t('c) functions must be equal. In other words (== here just means these things should be equivalent for a valid functor, not that the functions should be referentially or structurally equal):

map(aToB) >> map(bToC) == map(aToB >> bToC)

This is probably confusing (and poorly explained), but basically what it means is that mapping one function f, then mapping another function g over a functor in two passes should the same as mapping the composed function f >> g over the functor in a single pass. This law is important in that if we have a valid functor, we know that we can make a pretty substantial optimization - rather than mapping two different functions over our functor in two passes, we can do the same thing in a single pass by composing the functions.

Why the laws matter

The laws exist to make sure we have a concrete definition as to what makes a functor a functor. Unfortunately, we can’t easily express these laws via the ReasonML type system, and this is a common problem with many FP languages. A common solution to this shortfall is to use a property-based testing library like bs-jsverify. This style of testing basically has you setup “properties” of a type, like the functors laws for example, and then the test framework will test that property or law against your implementation using a set of generated inputs to ensure that it passes the law in all cases. I hope to give a more concrete example of this in a future blog post.

The FUNCTOR typeclass (module type)

Let’s acknowledge that the laws are critically important, but we’re going to just file them away for now, and return to more concrete things. Below is how you might actually define a functor as a ReasonML module type (remember that module types are sort of like interfaces for actual concrete modules):

module type FUNCTOR = {
  type t('a);
  let map: ('a => 'b, t('a)) => t('b);

I’m going to use all-caps for our module types to differentiate them from the actual implementation modules. In FP languages like Haskell, PureScript, and Scala (among others), this interface concept is called a “typeclass” and the implementation concept is called an “instance of the typeclass” or just “instance.” So we can say that FUNCTOR is our “typeclass module type,” and the things we’re going to implement below are our “instances” of our typeclass. You might notice that a typeclass is similar in concept to an OO interface, and in some ways they are. One key difference is that your implementation “instance” is a standalone module or value and is not tied to a another “host” type like it would be in an OO language where your functor type might do something like class List extends Functor. In some ways an instance might be closer to the OO adapter patter, but still a little different.

Let’s make a few quick observations about this FUNCTOR typeclass. In order to provide an implementation of this “interface,” we must:

  1. Specify a type with a single type parameter t('a)
  2. Provide a map function that conforms to the given type
  3. Implicitly follow the functor laws in our implementation of map, as they are not guaranteed by the types alone

With this type t('a) and this map function, let’s also notice that a FUNCTOR does not give you any way to put a value of type 'a into your functor. It also doesn’t know how to construct a value of type 'a. Finally it doesn’t know how to do other things like flattening a t(t('a)) into a t('a), adding structure like turning a t('a) into a t(t('a)), etc. All it knows how to do is apply a pure function 'a => 'b to each value ‘a in t('a) to produce a value of type t('b). (It can’t produce values of type 'b out of thin air either - it doesn’t know or care what types 'a and 'b are!).

List functor

Now let’s implement FUNCTOR for list('a). These implementations are purely for demonstration purposes, so no attempt is made to optimize anything. I’m going to follow a convention of creating a wrapper module named after my main type, like module List, then implement a few things within this module, then finally implement my Functor as a nested submodule of List:

module List = {
  // Alias our type, so we can use `List.t('a)` and `list('a)` interchangably

  type t('a) = list('a);

  // Implement our map function
  // This implementation is recursive, so we're using `let rec`

  let rec map = (f, list) => switch(list) {
    | [] => []
    | [head, ...tail] => [f(head), ...map(f, tail)]

  // Now let's define our FUNCTOR as a module that implements our module type FUNCTOR

  module Functor: FUNCTOR with type t('a) = t('a) = {
    // Here we just define the members of the FUNCTOR module type
    // We use nonrec here so the compiler knows we're not trying to define
    // a recursive type here, but that the t('a) on the right side refers
    // to the t('a) defined above.

    type nonrec t('a) = t('a);

    let map = map;

  // Another way to define this without using our `type t('a) = list('a)` alias would be:

  module Functor: FUNCTOR with type t('a) = list('a) = {
    type t('a) = list('a);
    let map = map;

The module Functor: FUNCTOR part is saying that we intend for our module to implement the FUNCTOR module type, and we want the compiler to check this for us. You can leave off the : FUNCTOR, and the compiler should be able to infer this.

The with type t('a) = list('a) business is a mechanism for exposing information about the types contained in our module to the outside world. To be honest, I’m not an expert on OCaml modules and how they interact with types, so I won’t attempt to explain any of this, but just know that it’s important in this case for the outside world to know that the type t('a) inside our List.Functor is the same type as (an alias of) list('a).

Now we have a module List.Functor which conforms to the interface defined by the FUNCTOR module type. In other words, List.Functor is an instance of the typeclass FUNCTOR. And in OCaml/ReasonML modules are “first-class,” so we can actually pass this List.Functor module around as a value, and use it in places that want to operate on FUNCTORs.

Also, while we are not attempting to prove that our implementation conforms to the functor laws above, you can sort of intuitively tell that it conforms to the first functor law (mapping identity) by just looking. The 'a => 'b function is applied to the head value, then the map function is called recursively to apply the function to the tail list. Nothing is being done to shuffle values around, copy them, etc. and if you were to pass the id: 'a => 'a function to our map, it’s pretty clear the list would not be modified. The composition law is a little harder to see intuitively, so we’ll just ignore it for now.

Aside on learning this

Now that we’ve seen how to implement a FUNCTOR for list('a) (and how easy it is!), I’d recommend trying to implement functor for some of the types below yourself - I found it was very helpful to learn this stuff by going through the motions myself, rather than just reading.

Array functor

The array('a) type has a functor, but it’s basically exactly the same as list('a), so I’m going to skip over it. The only real difference is how map is implemented (just because list('a) and array('a) are different types), so if you want to give it a shot, go for it!

Option functor

Now let’s implement FUNCTOR for option('a). I’m going to follow the convention of defining a wrapper module for the main type, and aliasing the type t('a), then defining the Functor as a nested submodule of our main module.

module Option = {
  type t('a) = option('a);

  let map = (f, option) => switch(option) {
    | Some(a) => Some(f(a))
    | None => None

  module Functor: FUNCTOR with type t('a) = t('a) = {
    type nonrec t('a) = t('a); // alias above type
    let map = map; // alias above map function

An option('a) is basically a list of 0 or 1 items, so the implementation is super easy. Once again, the first functor law can be seen intuitively.

Hopefully at this point, if functors were scary before, they are very un-scary now. Maybe functors were never that scary to begin with…

Result functor

Belt.Result.t('a, 'e) is our first example type that doesn’t exactly fit the t('a) requirement of functor. We can easily implement map as a function, because we can just ignore the error 'e case, and only map the success 'a case, but the Functor module is not quite as straightforward.

Below is the initial cut at implementing map:

module Result = {
  type t('a, 'e) = | Ok('a) | Error('e);

  let map = (f, fa) => switch(fa) {
    | Ok(a) => Ok(f(a));
    | Error(e) => Error(e);

As you can see, in the map function, we just ignore the error side, and only apply the function to our Ok(a) value.

Now we want to implement FUNCTOR, but we’re immediately going to run into a problem - FUNCTOR wants us to give it a t('a) - so what do we do with this error type 'e?

One way to implement this is to create a very simple module type which simply acts to specify a type, then to use a ReasonML module functor (reminder that “module functors” are more like “module functions” or “module constructors”, and not the map functors we’re talking about in this article) to make our Result functor a function of some error type, at the module level. This is a little funky, especially coming from other non-module-based languages, but hopefully it makes sense in a simple example:

// Create a super simple module type `TYPE` which just acts to capture a type `t`
// This can live outside our `Result` type:

module type TYPE = {
  type t;

// Now we can setup a module functor to allow us to construct a `FUNCTOR`
// for a given error type, specified by a TYPE module:

module Result = {
  type t('a, 'e) = | Ok('a) | Error('e);

  let map = (f, result) => switch(result) {
    | Ok(a) => Ok(f(a));
    | Error(e) => Error(e);

  module MakeFunctor = (E: TYPE) => {
    // Here we reference our above Result.t, but with the error type "locked-in"
    // to the type given to us by `E` - which is a module conforming to the module type `TYPE`

    type t('a) = t('a, E.t);

    // The map function just works regardless of `'e`/`E` - we needed the `E` to
    // satisfy the `type t('a)` type of `FUNCTOR`. In ReasonML/OCaml, functions
    // tend to be "more powerful/polymorphic" than modules in terms of dealing
    // with types, so we tend to only have to do module functor gymnastics to
    // satisfy module types, and not so much for functions.

    let map = map;

In order to actually construct a Functor module for Result, we need to use the Result.MakeFunctor module functor (the functor functor!), like below:

module Error: TYPE = {
  type t = | Error1 | Error2; // can be any type

module ResultFunctor = Result.MakeFunctor(Error);

You can also inline the TYPE like this:

module ResultFunctor = Result.MakeFunctor({ type t = string });

However, you unfortunately can’t do things like this:

Result.MakeFunctor({ type t = string }).map(...);

At this point you might be wondering why you’d even bother creating this MakeFunctor thing and requiring the TYPE thing having to construct a special ResultFunctor, when it seems you can just use Result.map directly. That’s a good and valid point, but this post is just trying to set you up for some more powerful features that become available to you by creating instances of typeclasses. The point of typeclasses is that they provide you with a higher-level of abstraction, and provide ways to create more abstractions on top of them. In a future post, we’ll talk about applicatives and monads, and then hopefully the power, abstraction, and purpose of this will become more clear.

Tree functor

Now let’s try another data type: a binary tree. Using recursion with map makes this very similar to list('a), so I’ll just jump into the example:

module Tree = {
  type t('a) = | Leaf | Node(t('a), 'a, t('a));

  let rec map = (f, tree) => switch(tree) {
    | Leaf => Leaf
    | Node(left, value, right) => Node(map(f, left), f(value), map(f, right))

  module Functor: FUNCTOR with type t('a) = t('a) = {
    type nonrec t('a) = t('a);
    let map = map;

Our Tree is a variant that’s either a Leaf (empty tree), or it’s Node which has a value of type 'a, and a sub-tree on the left side, and a sub-tree on the right side. A tree with one value would be Node(Leaf, myValue, Leaf).

The map function just recurses down the left and right branches of the tree, and the value at each node is updated with f. As you can see we’re not modifying the structure of the tree - just visiting (and updating) the value at each node with the pure function 'a => 'b.

RemoteData functor

We’ve now seen functors for some commonly-used, general data types, but you can also define functors for more domain-specific types. Let’s look at the Elm RemoteData type, which also exists as a ReasonML library bs-remotedata.

The type in question basically looks like the following:

module RemoteData = {
  type t('a, 'e) =
    | NotAsked
    | Loading
    | Failure('e)
    | Success('a);

This type is a variant that’s used to represent the different states in which an asynchronous data fetch operation might exist. E.g. the NotAsked state is typically used as the initial state where there’s no data, and a request has not yet been made. Before the async fetch request is made, the state might be updated to Loading to indicate that there is work happening. When data comes in, the state is set to Success('a), where 'a is the data value that came in, and if the request fails, the state is set to Failure('e) where 'e is the custom error type, which might be a string, or a more specific variant or record type.

The type is similar to Result.t('a, 'e) in that it has two type parameters, so the functor implementation is going to look very similar. The NotAsked and Loading constructors carry no data, so they will just pass through untouched in the map function. Our map function operates on the Success('a) channel, so the Failure('e) value will also get passed through untouched:

module RemoteData = {
  type t('a, 'e) =
    | Init
    | Loading
    | Failure('e)
    | Success('a);

  let map = (f, remoteData) => switch(remoteData) {
    | Init => Init
    | Loading => Loading
    | Failure(e) => Failure(e)
    | Success(a) => Success(f(a))

To define the FUNCTOR module, we have to use the module functor trick like we did for Result to lock in the error type. This time I’ll show another technique to do this:

module RemoteData = {
  type t('a, 'e) = ...
  let map = ...

  module WithError = (E: TYPE) => {
    module Functor: FUNCTOR with type t('a) = t('a, E.t) = {
      type t('a) = t('a, E.t);
      let map = map;

    // You can use E and E.t for more things in here if you need to...

This time, I’m using a WithError module functor that locks in the error type in E.t and then we define the Functor module within the WithError module. Doing it this way allows you to use the E error module multiple times within the same scope without having to functorize every module that needs to use E. E.g. when we start to add more typeclass instances, it’s handy to just “functorize” once WithError, and then just define all the other instances normally with E.t. Beware that module functors are not without their costs in ocaml (in module purity, dead code elimination, etc.), so sometimes it’s better to use more smaller functors, rather than fewer larger functors.

Custom data type functor

As we’ve seen with RemoteData.t('a, 'e) you can define functors for your own domain types, not just the common data types like list('a), option('a), etc. As you do more functional programming, you’ll also start to see functors used in other new and exciting places, like free monads, etc.

When you’re making your own polymorphic types, it’s worth thinking about whether a FUNCTOR (i.e. a map function) might make sense for your data type. One clue is if your data type has one type parameter that sort of serves as the “main” or “success” value of the type, and the other type params maybe serve as supporting types. Another clue is whether your type is a data structure that carries some single type of data - in this case your type is almost certainly a functor.

You might also find that your data type has multiple values that make sense to map, and in these cases you might have a bifunctor, trifunctor, quadfunctor, etc. These are all basically just types that allow you to map more than one of the polymorphic types, assuming you can still abide by the functor laws. The rule of thumb with FP is that someone has likely already figured it out, named it, and fully-implemented it, so if you think you’ve found something interesting, look for prior art.

Function functor

Now let’s look at something that’s not just a plain old static data type: a function! Let’s consider the function 'x => 'a where 'x is some type we don’t really care about, and 'a is the type we care about (sort of like in Result.t('a, 'e) where we cared about the 'a, and not so much about the 'e for the purposes of our functor).

Recall the type of map:

let map: ('a => 'b, t('a)) => t('b);

For our function, we can define our type like this:

module Function = {
  type t('x, 'a) = 'x => 'a;

Now let’s try implementing map:

module Function = {
  type t('x, 'a) = 'x => 'a;

  // ('a => 'b, t('a)) => t('b)
  let map: ('a => 'b, 'x => 'a) => ('x => 'b) = (aToB, xToA) => {
    // We need to return a function of type 'x => 'b, so we know we have an argument
    // of type 'x, and a function from 'x => 'a, and a function from 'a => 'b, so we
    // just call those functions to convert x -> a -> b:

    x => aToB(xToA(x));

If you recall above in the functor laws section, we implemented a function for composing function andThen which looked at lot like this, and there is also a function called compose which does the same thing, with the arguments flipped.

let andThen: ('a => 'b, 'b => 'c) => ('a => 'c) = (aToB, bToC) => {
  a => bToC(aToB(a))

let (>>) = andThen;

let compose: ('b => 'c, 'a => 'b) => ('a => 'c) = (bToC, aToB) => {
  a => bToC(aToB(a))

let (<<) = compose;

It turns out the functor for the function 'x => 'a is just the same thing as function composition!

Now to implement our actual Functor module, we again have to use a module functor because we’re dealing with a type t('x, 'a) which has more than one type parameter. I’ll use the With* module functor trick again, but you could also do this in the module MakeFunctor = (E: TYPE) => { type t('a) = ... } style.

module Function = {
  type t('x, 'a) = 'x => 'a;

  let map = (aToB, xToA) => x => aToB(xToA(x));

  module WithArgument = (X: TYPE) => {
    module Functor: FUNCTOR with type t('a) = t(X.t, 'a) = {
      type t('a) = t(X.t, 'a);
      let map = map;

If this seems a little silly to you, it is - it’s stupid simple, but it turns out that the function 'x => 'a is actually a very powerful and useful construct, especially when we get to the topic of monads. If you want to read ahead, search for reader monad.

Function that’s not a (covariant) functor

We just looked at the function 'x => 'a, so what about the function 'a => 'x? Let’s quickly see if we can implement map for this type:

module Function = {
  type t('a, 'x) = 'a => 'x;

  let map: ('a => 'b, 'a => 'x) => ('b => 'x) = (aToB, aToX) => {
    // Need to return a function 'b => 'x
    b => ??? huh ???

It turns out we can’t implement our FUNCTOR for this type. I won’t get into this for now, and hope to in a future blog post, but the reason for this has to do with covariance vs. contravariance. The FUNCTOR we defined above with the let map: ('a => 'b, t('a)) => t('b) function is called a covariant functor, but the functor that we need for the type 'a => 'x is called a contravariant functor, which looks like this:

module type CONTRAVARIANT = {
  type t('a);
  let contramap: ('b => 'a, t('a)) => t('b); // sometimes called cmap

If you try to implement CONTRAVARIANT for types like option('a) you’re going to get confused, just like we got confused trying to implement our covariant FUNCTOR for 'a => 'x. Try implementing CONTRAVARIANT for 'a => 'x though, and think about function composition again.

Parser/decoder functor

So now we’ve seen FUNCTOR for 'x => 'a (and mentioned CONTRAVARIANT for 'a => 'x, but we won’t mention CONTRAVARIANT again in this article), so let’s see a real-world example of a covariant FUNCTOR for a function.

What about a function that takes a Js.Json.t value, and “decodes” it into a type like Result.t('a, Error.t)

module Decoder = {
  module Error = {
    type t = | ExpectedString | Other;

  type t('a) = | Decode(Js.Json.t => Result.t('a, Error.t));

Here our Decoder.t('a) is a data type that wraps a function Js.Json.t => Result.t('a, Error.t)). I’ll fix the error type for simplicity, but you could use a polymorphic error if you want (by using the module functor TYPE trick).

If you squint, the function Js.Json.t => Result.t('a, Error.t)) looks a lot like the function 'x => 'a, where 'x is the type we don’t really care about in terms of mapping (the Js.Json.t value), and our 'a is just buried in a Result.

Let’s try implementing map:

module Decoder = {
  module Error = {
    type t = | ExpectedString | Other;

  type t('a) = | Decode(Js.Json.t => Result.t('a, Error.t));

  // Our map function needs to return a new decoder `Decode(Js.Json.t => Result.t('b, Error.t))`:

  let map: ('a => 'b, t('a)) => t('b) = (aToB, Decode(jsonToResultA)) => {
    Decode(json => jsonToResultA(json) |> Result.map(aToB));

Here we’re returning a new decode function wrapped in our Decode constructor. The new function accepts a Js.Json.t argument, and calls our original decode function to get the Result.t('a, 'e), then we use the Result.map function to map the 'a value in the Result to the 'b value that we want in the end. Since we’re dealing with functions here, nothing has actually done anything yet - no decoders have been run - we are just left with a new function that accepts a Js.Json.t and now gives us a Result.t('b, Error.t). Stuff like this is where we start to see the real power of functional programming - just composing pure functions to describe how to do the work, then doing the work separately.

As a side note, I didn’t have to use the Decode wrapper for out t('a) above - you can just define your type as just an alias for a function like this:

type t('a) = Js.Json.t => Result.t('a, Error.t);

But it’s often useful to wrap functions in some type of “container” or “context” and it also helps to envision our decoder as a more opaque “context”, rather than just a loose function. You can however do all this without the wrapper context.

Let’s see how this works in reality. We’ll implement a boolean decoder, then map the value to a string:

module Decoder = {
  module Error = {
    type t =
      | ExpectedBool(Js.Json.t)
      | OtherError;

  type t('a) =
    | Decode(Js.Json.t => Result.t('a, Error.t));

  let map: ('a => 'b, t('a)) => t('b) =
    (aToB, Decode(jsonToResultA)) =>
      Decode(json => jsonToResultA(json) |> Result.map(aToB));

  let run: (Js.Json.t, t('a)) => Result.t('a, Error.t) =
    (json, Decode(f)) => f(json);

  let boolean: t(bool) =
      json =>
        switch (Js.Json.classify(json)) {
        | JSONTrue => Ok(true)
        | JSONFalse => Ok(false)
        | _ => Error(ExpectedBool(json))

  // Define string, float, int, obj, array, etc. decoders

  |> Decoder.map(v => v ? "it was true" : "it was false")
  |> Decoder.run(Js.Json.boolean(true)),

  |> Decoder.map(v => v ? "it was true" : "it was false")
  |> Decoder.run(Js.Json.boolean(false)),

  |> Decoder.map(v => v ? "it was true" : "it was false")
  |> Decoder.run(Js.Json.string("hi")),

This logs:

["it was true"]
["it was false"]

To break this down:

  1. We have our type Decoder.t('a) which is basically a (wrapped) function from Js.Json.t => Result.t('a, Error.t)
  2. I added a Decoder.run function. Since our decoder is basically a function, it makes sense that we’ll need to call the function at some point, but passing in a Js.Json.t value to decode. The run function basically just de-structures our decode function and passes the Js.Json.t value to it to produce the Result.t('a, Error.t)
    • This is a common pattern in functional programming to build up some data structure (which might include functions), and provide a way to “run” it. Normally, you build up the structure, and then you can pass around and reuse the the structure (because it’s pure, and hasn’t actually done anything yet), and then you just run it when you’re ready for it to do its thing.
  3. I added a Decoder.boolean function which is a decoder that succeeds if the given Js.Json.t value is a boolean, and fails if it’s not a boolean.
  4. At the bottom, I’m setting up my decoder to expect to parse a boolean (using Decoder.boolean), then I’m mapping my Decoder to convert the bool to a string, then finally, I’m running the decoder with a few test values (true, false, and "hi"), to see what happens.
    • The true and false cases log the expected strings from the map, and the "hi" case fails.
    • the [["hi"]] is just the JS representation of my ExpectedBool(Js.Json.t) error.

You can write other decoders or parsers like this, and do simple things like parsing a single value and mapping it with a FUNCTOR, but to decode/parse structures like JSON object and arrays, you’ll want to use more powerful abstractions like Applicative and Monad, which I hope to write a blog about soon.

Future functor

Let’s look at one more real-world example of a FUNCTOR - the Future type from RationalJS/future.

If you’ve done any amount of ReasonML, you’ve probably had to deal with Js.Promise.t('a), and I suspect you’ve not enjoyed it (or maybe you’re just accustomed to the pain if you’re coming from JavaScript). I hope to write a blog in the future about why Js.Promise.t is not great in ReasonML, and what you should use instead, but for now we’ll just look at Future in terms of implementing FUNCTOR.

Future is similar to Js.Promise.t in that it’s a async “effect” type - it’s a data type that represents a computation that will complete sometime in the future. The Future type looks like this:

type getFn('a) => ('a => unit) => unit;

type t('a) = | Future(getFn('a));

getFn might look odd, but all it is is a function that takes a callback 'a => unit as it’s only argument - this callback is often called resolve.

The Future implementation basically creates a function that closes over a mutable list of “subscribers”, and when things subscribe to the Future, it adds those listeners to the array, to be notified when the Future is resolved.

Let’s ignore all that and see if we can just implement map for Future. Let’s pretend that we have a Future.make function that takes our resolver, and would be used like this:

Future.make(resolve => Js.Global.setTimeout(() => resolve("hi"), 40));
module Future = {
  type getFn('a) => ('a => unit) => unit;

  type t('a) = | Future(getFn('a));

  let make = ...;

  let map: ('a => 'b, t('a)) => t('b) =
    (aToB, Future(onDoneA)) =>
      make(resolveB => onDoneA(a => resolveB(aToB(a))));

I’ve changed the map function a little from the real implementation to try to help with clarity. Basically, the map function takes a Future.t('a) and waits for that future to be resolved. We are notified when it resolves via the onDoneA callback. We wrap all this inside a new Future.make(resolveB => ...). resolveB is the function we’re supposed to call when we have a value of type 'b. So when we get the 'a from onDoneA, we convert it to 'b with our 'a => 'b function and tell the Future.t('b) that we’re done by calling resolveB.

I’ll just leave it at that for now, but you can dig in further by cloning the RationalJS/future repo and trying it out for yourself.

As a side note, this Future.t('a) differs from Js.Promise.t('a) in that the Future.t('a) cannot fail - it has no way to represent a failed async computation. To represent a computation that can fail, you should use Future.t(Result.t('a, 'e)) - in this case your future value is just a type that can represent both successful and failed computations.

Compared to Js.Promise.t, which hides the error type in some opaque (and offensive, if you ask me) abstract type, the Future approach makes both the successful value and the error value “first-class” - you have full control over whether and how your async work can fail.

Js.Promise functor

For one final example, let’s implement FUNCTOR for Js.Promise. Js.Promise is the ReasonML binding for the ubiquitous JavaScript Promise.

You can implement map using the Js.Promise.then_ function, which is the binding to the then method of JS Promise.

module Promise = {
  type t('a) = Js.Promise.t('a);

  let map = (f: 'a => 'b, promiseA: Js.Promise.t('a)): Js.Promise.t('b) =>
    promiseA |> Js.Promise.then_(a => Js.Promise.resolve(f(a)));
  module Functor: FUNCTOR with type t('a) = t('a) = {
    type nonrec t('a) = t('a);
    let map = map;

The usage would look something like this:

|> Promise.map(a => a * 2)
|> Js.Promise.then_(b => {

To quickly explain what’s going on here, the then method of the native JavaScript Promise gives you the value from the previous promise, and allows you to either return a pure value 'b, a new Promise of 'b, null, nothing at all (aka undefined), or throw! This ability to return a pure value or a new Promise, null, or undefined is not something we can express directly in the ReasonML type system. Instead, the authors of the BuckleScript Js.Promise binding made it so Js.Promise.then_ must return a Js.Promise. In our case, we map the value of 'a to 'b, and return a Promise.resolve(b). In vanilla JavaScript, you could just do a => f(b), but not so in ReasonML.

When we get into monads in a later post, we’ll discuss the difference between returning a pure value, like we do in map, and returning a new “monadic” value, like we’re doing here with Js.Promise.then_. If you want to read more about this, a function like Js.Promise.then_ that lets you return a new monadic value is often called bind, flatMap, or >>=, and the function that lets you inject a pure value into your monadic context, like Js.Promise.resolve is often called pure, or (confusingly) return. Js.Promise is not the greatest thing to use for explaining functors and monads, because then kind of magically does both map and flatMap, but it’s a familiar example for JavaScript folks.

What can you do with a FUNCTOR?

There are lots of FUNCTORs in the wild, and you probably use map on a daily basis, but FUNCTOR is not the most powerful abstraction in the world of functional programming. You basically use a FUNCTOR when you have some data structure or context and you want to modify the values inside the structure/context without affecting the structure itself.

The fact that all a functor knows about is a type t('a) and a map function is actually a good thing - it gives you a set of well-defined tools and constraints, but allows you to abstract over those capabilities, and provides you with a principled baseline on which to create more powerful abstractions, like Applicative, Monad and all sorts of other stuff.

FUNCTOR extensions and operators

Higher-level constructs like FUNCTOR let you implement functions from a higher-level of abstraction. In other words, rather than implementing map-related functions for each of list('a), option('a), Result.t('a, 'e), etc., we can implement the function once for FUNCTOR, and then all of the modules we have that have an instance of FUNCTOR get those functions “for free”, because these extensions are all implemented just in terms of FUNCTOR (i.e. t('a) and map).

This is a contrived example, but say you had some data structures like lists, options, trees, etc., and you needed to convert some data from one type to another across all these structures. You can setup a FunctorExtensions module functor that lets you define this function once, and can be used by anything that has a Functor: FUNCTOR module.

module FunctorExtensions = (F: FUNCTOR) => {
  let doSomething: F.t('a) => F.t('b) = fa => F.map(someComplexMappingFunction, fa);

  let doAnother: F.t('a) => F.t('b) = fa => F.map(anotherThing, fa);

  // other stuff?

This is obviously not super compelling, because you can just use map on your types, and pass in the mapping functions without this, but it’s just an example of abstracting on FUNCTOR. Also, FUNCTOR is again not a super powerful abstraction, so the benefits of this will be more clear with things like Foldable or Monad which I hope to blog about later.

Another use of this FunctorExtension technique is to add some common helper functions and operators to anything that has a FUNCTOR instance. There are a few common functions that other FP languages provide for functors:

module FunctorExtensions = (F: FUNCTOR) => {
  let (<$>) = F.map;

  let (<#>) = (fa, f) => F.map(f, fa);

  let void: F.t('a) => F.t(unit) = fa => F.map(_ => (), fa);

  let voidLeft: (F.t('a), 'b) => F.t('b) => (fa, b) => F.map(_ => b, fa);

  let ($>) = voidLeft;

  let voidRight: ('b, F.t('a)) => F.t('b) => (b, fa) => F.map(_ => b, fa);

  let (<$) = voidRight;

  let flap: (F.t('a => 'b), 'a) => F.t('b) = (fs, a) => F.map(f => f(a), fs);

<$> is the operator version of the map function, taken from languages like Haskell. You use it like this:

let b: option('b) = aToB <$> Some(a);

<#> is the flipped version of map, used like this:

let b: option('b) = Some(a) <#> aToB;

void is a function that basically replaces all the values in your functor with the unit value (). This is the type of thing that might seem odd, but you often run into situations where you just need to throw away some data in FP, or convert a type into something that indicates that you don’t care what it is. void is a commonly-used name in FP for something that “clears out” a value by setting it to the unit value ().

let units: list(unit) = [1, 2 ,3] |> void;

voidLeft is a function that takes a functor of 'a and a 'b value, and just sticks the 'b value in the functor regardless of what 'a value is in there. $> is the operator version of voidLeft. You can think of the operator as doing what looks like - half of a <$>/map, but it’s just pointing at the value it’s going to use to replace all the values of the functor. voidLeft is not a great name for this as it’s not voiding like void does, but rather putting a fixed value in, but oh well.

let hi3Times: list(string) = [1, 2 ,3] $> "hi";

voidRight is the same as voidLeft but with the args flipped. <$ is the operator version of this - you can think of <$ similarly to $> - the arguments are just in the opposite order (i.e. “flipped”).

let hi3Times: list(string) = "hi" <$ [1, 2 ,3];

Finally, flap is a strange function that takes a functor of functions and a single value, and applies those functions to the single value to “re-populate” the functor with the values produced.

To get access to these extensions, you’d do something like this:

module Option = {
  type t('a) = ...;

  module Functor: FUNCTOR with type t('a) = t('a) = { ... };
  module FunctorExt = FunctorExtensions(Functor);

  // Optionally `include` the extensions directly in your module:
  include FunctorExt;

With infix operators, it often best to silo them off into their own module, suitable for use as a local open.

The extensions and infix technique is used extensively in Relude - see Relude_Extensions_Functor and it’s use in Relude_Option (both the Extensions and Infix modules), and many other modules.

Using FUNCTOR as a first-class module

ReasonML/OCaml supports the concept of first-class modules, but I don’t believe you can use higher-kinded types like FUNCTOR in first class modules, so unfortunately, I don’t think it’s easy/possible to write a function that expects an arbitrary FUNCTOR as an argument. There are other techniques (like Lightweight Higher-Kinded Polymorphism for encoding higher-kinded types in OCaml, but I’m not as familiar with the techniques described there, so these restrictions might not be true across the board (or at all!).

As an example, it would be cool if you could do this:

// This doesn't work, or at least I can't get it to work!

let emphasize = (functor: (module FUNCTOR with type t('a) = t(string)), fa: t(string)) => {
  module Functor = (val functor);
  Functor.map(a => a ++ "!", fa);

emphasize((module List.Functor), ["hello", "goodbye"]); // ["hello!", "goodbye!"] 🙏
emphasize((module Option.Functor), Some("hello"));      // Some("hello!") 🙏
emphasize((module Result.Functor), Ok("hi"));           // Ok("hi!") 🙏

Basically create a function that can work on any FUNCTOR without having to specialize it for each instance, but sadly, I don’t think this is possible in OCaml, because of its lack of higher-kinded types.

This technique does however work for typeclasses that operate on non-polymorphic types, like TYPE, SHOW or EQ (which will hopefully be covered in another blog post).


Well, that was an extremely long blog post, but I hope it will help plant some seeds for someone who might just be starting their FP journey. I hope to follow-up this post with a blog about Applicatives and then one about Monads, and then go from there. I want to write these longer fundamental posts so I have something to refer back to when I want to write smaller blogs about more focused topics in the future.

I hope you enjoyed! If I don’t have comments setup in my blog when you read this, and you have a comment, feel free to open an issue (or pull request) here: https://github.com/andywhite37/blog.

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